Homemade Pepperoni Bread Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 723
Hi guys I'm Laura Vitale, and on this episodeof Laura in the kitchen I'm finally bringing
you my pepperoni bread recipe.
It has been wildly requested around here soI figured it was time to bring it to you.
It just requires a handful of ingredients,which you are going to start with some pizza
dough. Now you can make your own pizza dough,and Laurainthekitchen.com has got a great
recipe waiting for you.
Or you can buy it at your local pizza placeor even grocery store now will carry pizza
You will need Parmigianino Reggiano, I havegot some shredded mozzarella here, some American
cheese, I know it sounds crazy, and pepperoni.Now, I know when you saw the American cheese
you are probably thinking : "What !?" buttruly that is the thing that makes this pepperoni
bread so incredibly good. Now a family memberwas the one that kind of taught me this recipe
because I never, before her, thought aboutputting American cheese into pepperoni bread
but she makes the best and when I finallyasked her, she was like "oh, I put American
cheese in there". I put a combination of Americanand mozzarella because I love the creamy flavor
of the American but I like the stringinessof the mozzarella so that's why I do kind
of a combination of the two.
But first you want to get your oven pre-heatedto 400F, I have got a baking sheet with parchment
paper ready and let's get started.
I'm going to take my pizza dough, and I havegot that in some flour.
Shake off the excess.
And now you are going to roll this out, youwant it to be pretty nice and even. You can
see I'm not really doing a circle here, becauseI want this to be pretty nice and even with
no boarder. I am going to kind of stretchit out with my hands a little bit and then
I am going to stretch it, you know, like Iwould pizza, but I'm going to also flatten
out the edges when I get it back on to mycounter. I just - I kind of just do this to
help me stretch the dough a bit, you can usea rolling pin, that would work great, but
I am just doing this because it is really,really easy. And now I am just going to do
the rest with my hands and I literally justwork this and the warmth of my hands is going
to help relax everything, it's going to helpeverything to get nice and even. You can,
I guess, like I said you can whip out yourrolling pin and you would be done in seconds.
Okay! That looks good.
Now what I am going to do, is that I am goingto take my mozzare - my American cheese and
I am king of going to just pretty much coverthe surface of this with my American and this
is really heavy, I'm not going to lie, thisis by no means a diet food, this is what I
call a special treat food, because that is,to me, that is exactly what this is. Defiantly
a special treat, certainly not something youeat every day, but it is delicious none the
And then I'm going to take some of this mozzarella,you don't need very much I just mainly use
the mozzarella for stringiness, this is whatI call it.
But it really doesn't - the flavor, the creamyflavor of cheeses comes from the American
cheese and it's divine.
Let's go with some Parmigianino, now you canuse turkey pepperoni if you want to, regular
pepperoni, whatever you want, what ever yourheart desires, your favorite brand, your favorite
kind. Remember that this is all up to you.
I did forget one of the most important ingredientshere, it's my pizza seasoning. Now, pizza
seasoning is nothing more than just the stereotypicalseasoning that you put on a pizza, pepper
flakes, garlic, maybe some onion powder, someoregano, all kind of mixed in together. You
can make your own blend if you want to, likeI did, I can show it to you in a different
episode if you want to, or you can go aheadand just buy as-is. I go - my, you know, my
blend is pretty heavily spiced up with redpepper flakes and that is because my husband
likes a lot of pepper flakes on his pizzaor anything of that sort.
Now what you are going to do is you are goingto make sure the hole surface of this is covered
with pepperoni. So you can get an annoyingneighbor to do this for you, if you don't
have the patience, you can have your kidsdo it!
You know get your kids involved, get peopleto get involved with making pepperoni bread,
it's so easy, it is so good, so. It is likeyou are working for food! You got to work
in order to eat it!
That looks good, I'm trying to cover thisas best as I can and now I'm going to go in.
starting at the edge closer to me becauseit just makes it easier and I'm going to roll
this like a jelly roll.
Kind of do it as tightly as you can whilestill keeping everything in there, it's really
easy once you get the hang of it and I knowthings looks just like they are getting jumbled
up but hey, it's pepperoni bread here ! Atthe very, very bottom I just pinch that together
because that is going to be the seam and Itake the - you can see the end, I fold it
and then pinch.
Same thing here, fold and pinch.
Then I roll this on the cut side and thenyou are going to make a couple slits at the
very top.
Okay. and this is going to go into your pre-heatedoven at 400F for about a half hour of so,
you are looking for this to be a beautifulgolden brown color, let it cool a bit, we
will cut and dig in!
My pepperoni bread was in the oven for actuallyexactly 25 minutes, don't worry if it breaks
up a little bit, because look a that, youcan still see that it is steaming, the cheese
is just ahh! If you could smell this, youwould understand my obsession with pepperoni
bread I mean it is that mozzarella and thatAmerican.
I'm going in!
Forgive me.
That is hands-down the best pepperoni breadyou'll put in your mouth.
I will put my last dollar on that fact becausethis really is - it's so good it's almost
insane! It's really creamy from the Americancheese, it's lightly stringy from the mozzarella
and pepperoni shines through, the pizza seasoningis just exactly what this needs and this is
baked to perfection it's just - it's pepperonibread, I mean come on! Larainthekitchen.com
will have the recipe. It's so good! I hopeyou have enjoyed spending time with me and
see you next time.
Bye bye!
To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: http://www.LauraintheKitchen.com Official Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraintheKitchen Twitter: @Lauraskitchen Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mrsvitale