Best Bread Chaffle Recipes Compared - Six Viewer Submissions, including "Wonder Bread"
hey there it's Steve from SeriousKetoand in this video we're gonna try out
six different chaffle bread recipes butbefore we do that if you enjoy low carb
cooking videos product and ingredientreviews as well as lessons learned from
my experiences with the ketogeniclifestyle and intermittent fasting click
that subscribe button down there andwhile you're at it click the bell next
to it so you're notified whenever Irelease a new video over the last six
weeks to month in that range my commentssection in my various chaffle videos
have just been filled with suggestionsand requests I also get a lot of people
sending me recipes saying hey you gottatry this this tastes just like bread so
for this video we're gonna take six ofthose submissions from my viewers that
they claim are the most bread likechaffle that they've had and we'll see
what we think for each one of theserecipes I will be giving credit to the
person who submitted them to me in thecomments section or people if there was
more than one the first recipe that weare going to do is going to be the
Wonder Bread recipe and this wassubmitted to me by Blah Garcia he also
credited Sylvia Andion and I'm hope I'mgetting all the pronunciations correct
on this let's whip it up we start with 1egg beaten to this we'll add a
tablespoon of almond flour an eighth ofa teaspoon of baking powder a tablespoon
of mayonnaise and a teaspoon of water
excellent stick with my plunger whiskfor this and for each through these
recipes I'll be doing two chaffles justto see how much batter we have it's been
about three minutes and they havestopped steaming so let's take them out
put them on a wire rack to cool we'velet these cool for a couple of minutes
they're still slightly warm pliable nicecolor it's a very light texture to it so
I can see how some people might give itthe name Wonder Bread it does definitely
have an eggy taste to it so if you'reopposed to the egginess of a chaffle this
probably isn't gonna be for you but forthose folks asking if you can do a
cheeseless chaffle which I guess wouldjust be an awful this is not awful this
is this is tasty and I think if you'relooking for a cheeseless chaffle this
could be the ticket so - Blah Garcia andSilvia Andion thank you for the
suggestion this was good the nextchaffle bread submission came from
Aaron Baileywe start with one egg beaten - this will
add a little less than a half a cup ofmozzarella a quarter cup of almond flour
1/8 of a teaspoon of arrowroot flour and1/8 of a teaspoon of xanthan gum mix
this together and I probably should havemix the dry ingredients together first
and then the wet but we'll just makesure we give this a really thorough
mixing this batter is quite a bitthicker
we're at the 4-minute mark and both ofthese have stopped steaming so let's pop
them out to the cooling rack nice color
let's give it a taste this is anothergood one I like the denser texture I
think this would stand up better to aheartier sandwich than the Wonder Bread
truffle I kind of feel like this onewith a little bit of yeast like if you
let some yeast proof for a while and getbubbly and fragrant and then added it to
this this could be a really excellentbread substitute so thank you Aaron for
your submission the next bread chafflesubmission came to me from viewer Sissy
can do it and I think that the recipeshe sent me was for a double batch so
I'm gonna cut that in half and just makea single batch we start with one egg to
this we'll add a tablespoon ofmayonnaise and a tablespoon of heavy
whipping cream we'll beat this togetherthen we'll add a tablespoon of oat fiber
a half tablespoon of everything but thebagel seasoning and a quarter cup of
it's been 5 minutes and our truffles ofwit steaming so it occurred to me as I
was watching the batter overflow out ofone of my - mini waffle makers that
Sissy probably gave me this recipe as Iwas reviewing the - no mess for waffle
waffle-makerin which case I think her original
recipe double what I just made wouldhave been absolutely perfect let's see
how it tastes this has a veryinteresting texture the outside is firm
the inside is soft for me and this ispurely a matter of taste I think that
the amount of everything but the bagelseasoning is a little bit strong or
maybe the brand that I have is strongerso I might dial that back a bit so I
think this is a recipe that would reallyreally lend itself well to like the - no
mess or any waffle maker that's got thedeeper cavities because I think then the
interior will firm up a little bit morewhich is kind of the way that I like it
I'm definitely gonna have to try thisout on the no mess I think I may have
shortchanged this recipe a little bit bydoing it in the mini griddles our next
bread recipe comes to us from AmyHenderson we start with 1 egg beaten -
this will add 1 ounce or 2 tablespoonsof softened cream cheese next we'll add
1 tablespoon of almond flour 1/4teaspoon of baking powder and a pinch of
garlic powder mixed together and intoour trifle makers
it's been four minutes and they havequit steaming so let's pop them out to a
cooling rack similar to that first onethat Wonder Bread one it's a little bit
more pliable this is very cakey intexture in fact I think if you didn't
put that pinch of garlic in somethinglike this you throw it in the toaster
and throw a little no added sugarstrawberry jam or something like that on
it or some cream cheese or both thiswould be really good in terms of
sandwiches I like a little bit heartierchaffle but I could definitely see this
served on the side of some bacon andeggs or something like that with
breakfast this next recipe was submittedto me by Diana Butler and she said it
came from sui generis who I couldn'tfind a YouTube channel for so let's make
it up this recipe starts with two eggwhites two teaspoons of water two
tablespoons of softened cream cheese andI'm gonna whip that together before
adding the dry ingredients then we addfour tablespoons of almond flour 1/4
teaspoon of baking powder and a pinch ofgarlic salt again I think without the
mozzarella I can use my plunger whisk doa better job into our chaffle makers
it's been four minutes and they havequit steaming so let's pop them out nice
color and now for the taste
alright I'm not even gonna finishchewing this this is really quite
excellent I mean it's got a very whitebread sort of taste to it
the texture is pretty much spot-on ifyou are looking for something that has
the taste and texture of white bread anddoesn't have any of the eggy taste this
is the one right here for you so Dianathank you thank you for recommending
this wow this is good the last recipethat I have here comes from one of my
facebook followers Dave Watson maybehe's a YouTube follower as well and dave
said that this is his go-to recipe forhamburger buns so I figured I'd kind of
throw it in it's just a bonus to thebread video Dave did not specify the
quantities though on the amount of onionpowder or sesame seeds that he used so
Dave if I screw up your recipe Iapologize I'm just gonna kind of wing it
with what I feel at the right amounts westart with 1 egg beaten to this we add
1/2 cup of mozzarella a tablespoon ofalmond flour quarter teaspoon of baking
powder a teaspoon of sesame seeds and ahealthy to finger pinch of onion powder
mix it up and into our truffle makers
it has been five minutes and they havequit steaming
all right Dave let's try out your burgerbunch awful I like this I really enjoy
the flavor I think if perhaps anadditional add in whether that's xanthan
gum or perhaps psyllium husk orsomething to maybe give it a little bit
more chew I mean I eat some pretty fatburgers so I'd want something that could
stand up to that but this is solid sowhile all of these were cooking I kind
of kept eating the ones that I hadalready made and none of them are bad
but if I were to give sort of my summaryopinion and this is just an exhibition
not a competitionno wagering please I would say that
first off the one that was submitted tome by BlahGarcia and I know it wasn't
his recipe originally that one wasprobably my least favorite it had sort
of that most eggy taste to it so if youdon't like the eggy taste of a chaffle
that one's probably not gonna be for youI really like the texture of the recipe
that Aaron Bailey submitted to me I likethat chewier heartier sort of chaffle
when I'm making a sandwich and theflavor kind of grew on me over time
that's the one I kind of kept going backto and munching on as I was making
videos the recipe submitted by AmyHenderson had a very nice cake type
texture to itand I would if I were keeping the recipe
as is I would serve it alongside youknow like bacon and eggs with just a
little butter on it or remove the garlicfrom it and put a low sugar jam of some
sort on it as I think about it I'mpretty sure that that recipe that Sissy
can do it submitted to me she submittedfor use on the four waffle - no mess or
any other four waffle waffle-makerI think the interior would cook a little
bit more to the texture that I like Iwould also think about maybe dialing
back on the everything bagel seasoningthat kind of was a bit overpowering to
me that said I did put some cream cheeseon it and that balanced out the
everything bagel seasoning andit was pretty good so if you're gonna
make this recipe throw some cream cheeseon it it's yummy
Dave Watson's burger bun suggestion Ireally like the addition of the sesame
seeds and that little pinch of onionpowder not too overpowering it really
tasted pretty darn good now in the weeksahead I'm gonna do some more
experimentation with some of the variousadd-ins that I haven't used so far and
perhaps combinations of them to see if Ican get that chewier texture out of
bread chaffles and pizza crust chaffles sothat might be a good addition to Dave's
recipe once I figure out what the rightingredient is and lastly that recipes
submitted by Diana Butler that she saidcame from sui generis I'm hoping I'm
pronouncing that right but I definitelyneed to investigate this and make sure
the right person gets credit for thisbecause it is a great white bread chaffle
if white bread is something you feelthat you've been missing on the keto
diet this is the recipe for you so if Iused any of your recipes and I screwed
something up or you do it in a differentway say you do it in a nutribullet or
food processor or you have somedifferent methodology that makes it
better and I didn't do it that way letme know down in the comments and let me
know if you're comfortable with megiving you credit for this recipe out on
my website thanks for watching
I have a lot of people send me recipes that they want me to try out, and a common theme are recipes that claim to be chaffle that works best as bread. So in this recipe, I compare six recipes that have been submitted to me over the last month, including a cheeseless chaffle (which I get requests for) and a chaffle that was as close to white bread as I could imagine. Links to the recipes are below... Products used in this video: Dash Mini Waffle Maker: Plunger Whisk: Soft Edge Slotted Spatula: Cooling Racks: The Recipes: "Wonder Bread" chaffle (Blah Garcia submission): "Sandwich Bread" chaffle (Aaron Bailey submission): "Everything Bagel" chaffle (Sissy Can Do It submission): "Light Garlic Bread" chaffle (Amy Henderson submission): "Best White Bread" chaffle (Diana Butler submission): "Burger Bun" chaffle (Dave Watson submision): You can contribute to SeriousKeto's recipe test lab and enjoy some "behind-the-scenes" perks by becoming a channel member: - Get SeriousKeto merchandise: Follow SeriousKeto on Instagram: Follow SeriousKeto on Facebook: - SeriousKeto is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.